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    Message par Invité Dim 10 Déc - 23:22

    Revolution in Lebanon
    Michel Aoun: The Siniora government must resign
    by Général Michel Aoun*

    At the end of the war, political formations having defended Lebanon against the foreign aggression have won a massive popular support, whereas the parliamentary majority is booed for its inertia during the days of misfortune. Deprived of constitutional legitimacy for three weeks, the government tries hard illegally, with the United States and a part of the French government’s support, to maintain the power. 800 000 Lebanese citizens demonstrated on December 1st, 2006 to require the government departure, and 5 000 persons camp day and night to block the access to the governmental palace. We republish below the opposition’s spokesman, general Michel Aoun, speech.

    Michel Aoun, representing the opposition to the Siniora government, during December 1st, 2006 demonstration.800.000 Lebanese citizens had met asking for the government resignation (Lebanon inhabitants are about 3,8 million).
    O great people of Lebanon!

    We are full of hope as we live these historical moments and we have no worries. Our conscience is clear with regards to our national choices and the objectives we seek to achieve in such a way to guarantee the security, the independence and the sovereignty of Lebanon.

    Today we represent the national and ethical principles that were never just fake rhetoric but have become a reality lived daily in every house and in the every heart. Today we revive national coexistence and reinforce our national unity not in words but this has become a way of living we adopt as a basis for the future.

    Our values and principles are not founded on a political discourse. There may be others who speak better than we do. But in reality we respect our commitments before the Lebanese people better than anyone else. We are not at a crossroad as they claim but we are on the right path we have decided to take leaving the troubles and the rumors behind.

    I greet those present among us here today and those absent too. And we would have loved that the ministers in Grand Serail [1] be present with us here today. We do not seek to isolate them and we do not seek to monopolize power. Nor do we seek to obtain personal or even sectarian interests.

    But today we seek to reinforce the foundation of the country on the main pillars without which Lebanon cannot exist. And we have enough determination, patience, and wisdom to always seek the return of the prodigious son to this loving people eager to embrace everybody.

    Even though we warned of these dangers that we consider as momentary, we thank the television stations that seek, even in such national events that happen under the Lebanese flag, to have confessional counters to count thousands of Christians and hundreds of thousands of Muslims or Shiites! [2] It is a shame and a disgrace to separate between a confession and another as we have met under the Lebanese flag and we are proud of this; in front of the entire world we are not ashamed of our national principles.

    Yes we are extremists: extremists in preserving the sovereignty and independence of Lebanon, in safeguarding the free decision making, in leading moderate lives. Moderation is in the coexistence and reaching out to the other. Moderation is not sacrificing one’s rights and independence. Moderation is not the search for a lost decision in close and far capitals of the world. Today we seek to liberate the free decision making. The decision is here when we meet as united Lebanese and agree on our internal, external and defense policies. Thus we make our free decision. A free decision does not change according to geography from a Lebanese area to a non Lebanese area. That’s why we will always seek to maintain our friendships and we want to be friends with everybody in the East and the West provided they respect our national will and let us deal with our problems on our own. We consider that any factional support to the government coming from any country whatsoever is not a friendly support but it is a support that creates confrontation in the society as conspiracy looms over the nation and its unity.

    Today we do not seek power just to occupy posts, be it the third plus one, or ten or 9 ministerial seats, but to be part of the national decision making so that this decision is right to the Lebanese people and not to block it or hamper it as some officials claim.

    We do not seek to block any decision but we seek to make righteousness the foundation that embraces the entire country and all the Lebanese people.

    But when I talk about the prime minister, I refer to the prime minister of Lebanon and not to a Sunni prime minister or a Maronite president of the republic or of a Shiite house speaker. I refer to a prime minister that represents me as a maronite as it represents the Sunnis.

    There should be no confessional favoritism in dealing with public affairs and there is no qualification of the prime minister except that he is Lebanese and that he represents all the Lebanese people. As we criticize him today, we do not criticize, as some like to claim, the entire Sunni community. But our criticism and demands are directed towards the prime minister who made a lot of mistakes and must step down and be replaced by another Sunni who is more qualified and who has more expertise and knowledge of the Lebanese social fabric and its national issues.

    We suffer from many vices in our society and they have made of corruption our destiny. But we refuse corruption to be our destiny; we refuse to turn a blind eye to it and we know that we can reform this community and free it from corruption [3].

    This is your will and we are here to express this will in front of you and all the Lebanese people who are listening. Lebanon is a free country and will remain free for all its people. Coexistence does not need to be defended because we are living it every day and it is not just rhetoric emptied of meaning.

    I call on you to support our mission of change and reform and the preservation of free decision making and of the rights of the Lebanese people, all the Lebanese people. The rights of the Lebanese people should not be subjected to favoritism and confessionalism or political affiliation. These are absolute rights that all the governments should safeguard and for all the people, supporters and opponents.

    At the end of December 1st demonstration, the opposition settled a camp in the center of Beirut. The occupants want to maintain the camp until the resignation of Siniora’s government.
    Today we are suffering from an isolation campaign waged against us as if those in power intend to create a confrontation. But we do not want this confrontation. We seek openness in order to reach a national unity in which all the Lebanese people take part.
    We cannot believe that the current government is one of national unity. We consider that this government is in an abnormal position because the Constitution was repeatedly violated and we call on the prime minister and the ministers to read the texts of the constitution so that they acknowledge in front of all these people that they have become unconstitutional [4]. And we all know that perpetrators of the violation of the Constitution can be subjected to legal proceedings.

    I wish our prime minister and his ministers were here among us today rather than hiding behind army tanks and barbed wires [5]. The one who has the support of his people does not need a barbed wire. He might need a few men for personal security but should not get protection against his own people.

    I urge the prime minister and his ministers to step down and become like their outgoing colleagues finishing up their duties until the end of the crisis so that we can come up with a government of national unity that has the capability to deal with national issues.

    We are not here to discuss solutions, but we consider that the only way out is the resignation of the cabinet.

    Today we initiated an open sit in [6] and I call on all the people to persevere in the same enthusiasm and participate in this sit in until we achieve our aims.

    Général Michel Aoun
    Porte-parole de l’opposition libanaise unie. Président du

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Sam 16 Déc - 23:39

    About Miss USA :



    BOOTED BEAUTY: Tara Conner fled Trump Place yesterday for her old Kentucky home.
    December 16, 2006 -- Hard-partying Miss USA Tara Conner was booted out of her ritzy Trump Place apartment and fled the Big Apple to her tiny Kentucky hometown with her reputation in shambles, as reports swirled yesterday that her runner-up had already been tapped to replace her.

    "She does not live here anymore," said a doorman at the posh Upper West Side property, where the Miss USA winner is given an apartment every year. "She is not allowed any where on Trump property. She is certainly not allowed to come back. I don't think it was her choice, really."

    Miss USA pageant boss Donald Trump said pageant officials were continuing to "study the situation," and wouldn't make an announcement until next Tuesday. But gossip Web site TMZ.com reported that Conner's runner-up, Miss California Tamiko Nash had been told to prepare to take the coveted Miss USA 2006 tiara.

    A source said pageant officials had requested that Conner submit to testing for recreational drugs.

    Conner returned to her hometown of Russell Springs, Ky. (population 2,399), sources said. The phones rang unanswered at both her mother and father's homes. A woman who answered the phone at her aunt's home declined to comment.

    As word spread of Conner's presumed fall from grace, tales of her being blinded by the bright lights of the Big Apple and succumbing to wild escapades of clubbing, sex and drug abuse emerged.

    "She has a really bad drug problem. Everyone at Miss USA hated her. She slept with [Blink 182's] Travis Barker and she sleeps with all the club promoters," said one source.

    She has also been linked romantically to two of the owners of the club Stereo, MTV veejay Damien Fahey, American Idol host Ryan Seacrest, and DJ AM's assistant.

    "She was latching onto a crew of promoters because she had no other friends and she was using them for drugs," a friend said. "She started utilizing hip New York City people in the night-life scene to feed her addictions."

    "I cut her off when she started leeching off all the other people I introduced her to."

    Two other sources said Conner had a reputation for lewd behavior in club bathrooms.

    "She always went the extra mile," said one pal.

    There were also indications that the small-town Kentucky girl's "alarming behavior" predated her taking the Miss USA throne. A friend said that back home in the hills of Kentucky, Conner also had a taste for recreational drugs.

    "She always partied. She's had deep-rooted difficulties," the friend said.

    Ironically, during the competition for the Miss USA crown in April, Conner said she thought the behavior of today's pop idols like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears had gotten too over the top.

    "I think they are getting a little bit too much edgy [sic]. I think that they are a little bit too much risqué," she said. "I think they need to tone it down a bit."

    One friend said Conner had a very competitive personality that drove her toward the Miss USA title - but wasn't so interested in being the pageant queen, and often complained about what was required of her.

    "She always complained how it was a pain in the ass to wake up in the morning and she had to get crazy s - - - done to her teeth," the friend said. "The girl can wake up in the morning and flip a switch and change into Miss USA. Honestly, she's kind of like Lindsay Lohan."


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    Message par Invité Mer 20 Déc - 23:16

    Abit of publicity for my blog , it hasn t been updated since awhile and everything is in english but i m sure that Frantz might be interested by some of the articles posted.

    there we go :


    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Jeu 21 Déc - 13:21

    you hide it from me Wink I m gonna connect right now !

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Jeu 21 Déc - 20:51


    December 21, 2006 -- The four major record labels yesterday filed a copyright infringement suit seeking more than $1 trillion in damages from a Moscow-based digital music downloading service that is so controversial, it could impact Russia's admittance to the World Trade Organization.

    At the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, the Recording Industry Association of America, on behalf of EMI, Sony BMG, Universal and Warner Music, accused Web site AllofMP3.com of being a "notorious online black market" and a "poster child" for Internet music piracy."

    The site is so popular and polarizing that the U.S. made shutting it down a condition for bilateral negotiations with Russia on joining the WTO.

    The U.S. Department of Commerce calls AllofMP3.com the world's highest-volume online seller of pirated music, collecting annual revenue in excess of $30 million from its 5.5 million subscribers. From June through October alone, the RIAA claims more than 11 million songs were downloaded illegally from the site by U.S. customers.

    The RIAA is seeking $150,000 for each instance of copyright infringement. That equates to an astounding $1.65 trillion for the five-month period in question.

    Small wonder then that the November trade agreement between the U.S. and Russia explicitly states that Russia will "investigate and prosecute companies that permit illegal distribution of music and other copyright works," and names "the Russia-based Web site AllofMP3.com as an example of such a Web site."

    Authorities in Germany, Italy and Denmark have already taken similar action against affiliates of AllofMP3.com.

    The agreement with the U.S. is also conditioned on Russia enacting legislation by June 2007 that allows for music sales only after the copyright holder gives consent.

    While calls and e-mail messages to a spokesman were not returned, AllofMP3.com has been defiant in the past in the face of the music industry's charges.

    In an online, text-only press conference held in October (the site has no published address or telephone number), AllofMP3.com executives defended their business practices.

    They referred to the major music labels as a "record cartel" waging a campaign against the site to get a more favorable royalty share. They claim that they offered to pay royalties to the music labels through ROMS, the Russian agency that collects royalties, but the music labels rebuffed them.

    AllofMP3.com executives also claim the record labels are more concerned with making money than they are with their artists' welfare.

    "In our opinion, we and the artists would be better off dealing directly with each other," the executives wrote. peter.lauria@nypost.com

    lol! lol! lol! fucking Majors !!!

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Mar 26 Déc - 23:10

    The Stand-off on the Iranian Nuclear Issue– A Reappraisal Before the Final Countdown (by General Vinod Saighal | New Delhi (Inde) | Focus)

    For the Indian general Vinod Saighal, President Ahmadinejad’s provocations will not succeed in dissuading the United States to destroy Iran. The war is programmed in Washington, to conquer oil fields, to strengthen Bush presidency and to satisfy Israel at the same time. Nothing can stop it, and Teheran is wrong to believe in its friends’ protection, whether they are Muslims, Russians or Chineses. In such circumstances, the wisdom would be the discretion.

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Sam 30 Déc - 23:29

    Thanks JB for this article posted on your blogg...

    The «Scholars for 9/11 Truth» rejected the official version

    In the United States, the «Scholars for 9/11 Truth» have questioned the official version of the September 11 attacks, and have indicated that it «violates the principles of physics and engineering».

    After several years of investigation and publication of articles and books, this association of university graduates, which includes personalities of the scientific world and military media, is convinced that the World Trade Centre could only be destroyed through a controlled demolition.

    The investigations made by these scientists have led to the conclusion that the US administration was not only aware of the attack but also had planned it. Now they are using all possible means, like holding conferences and publication of articles, to make people aware of it.

    This association, which roughly 50 personalities belong to, was founded by David Ray Griffin, former professor of theology and author of The New Pearl Harbor (2004) and The 9/11 Commission report: omissions and distortions (2004).

    It is run by Morgan Reynold, Emeritus Professor of A&M University, from Texas, and former advisor to President George W. Bush.

    The association is also supported by Andreas Von Bulow, former German Minister of Reserach and Technology, author of Die CIA und der 11. September. Internationaler Terror und die Rolle der Geheimdienste and member of the Axis for Peace.

    In 2005, the millionaire Jimmy Walter offered one million dollars to whom might be able to prove that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre could collapsed without the use of explosives. Not even the official experts have dared to accept this challenge. No one has claimed the prize.

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    Message par Invité Mar 2 Jan - 15:51

    no worries ...

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    Message par Invité Mer 3 Jan - 22:30

    Here is the ling regarding the article previously posted by Sir Frantz ...


    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Sam 24 Mar - 19:14

    Flaking Out
    Mar 23 2007

    Different cultures approach the concept of social plans differently. Even within the US, people vary in their expectations of friends when it comes to making and following through on social plans.

    Some people on our lives are known for flaking out. They say they’ll call you but they never do. They always say they’ll come to the show or the party or the bar, but they rarely show up.

    Whether someone will be upset if you flake out depends not only on the person but also on the situation. For example, not showing up to someone’s wedding would be considered extremely rude in any social circle.

    But if a group of friends is just going out for a drink after work, whether you show up or not may not be important. In general though, it is best not to make promises you can’t keep.

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Dim 3 Juin - 11:31


    1. "Don't cross your bridges before you come to them."
    Don't worry about problems before they arrive.

    2. "Soon learnt, soon forgotten."
    Something that is easy to learn is easy to forget.

    3. "Even a worm will turn."
    Everybody will revolt if driven too far.
    * worm (noun) = small thin animal with soft body and no legs
    * turn (verb) = revolt, fight back

    4. "It was the last straw that broke the camel's back."
    There is a limit to everything.
    * straw (noun) = dried stalk of grain (like grass)
    * camel (noun) = large long-necked animal in the desert

    5. "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."
    Many women have won a man's love by cooking good meals.
    * way (noun) = path; route

    6. "Where there's a will there's a way."
    If we are determined to do something, we can do it.
    * will (noun) = strong determination, desire.
    * way (noun) = path, method

    7. "The best advice is found on the pillow."
    We may find the answer to a problem after sleeping.
    * advice (noun) = recommendation as to what to do
    * pillow (noun) = cushion to rest your head on sleeping

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