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» footing
[b]In English[/b] I_icon_minitimeJeu 17 Aoû - 11:52 par rene

» rentrée
[b]In English[/b] I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Oct - 15:06 par maelis

[b]In English[/b] I_icon_minitimeJeu 29 Oct - 14:19 par maelis

[b]In English[/b] I_icon_minitimeVen 20 Mar - 19:23 par rene

[b]In English[/b] I_icon_minitimeLun 9 Mar - 12:31 par rene

[b]In English[/b] I_icon_minitimeLun 9 Mar - 12:29 par rene

[b]In English[/b] I_icon_minitimeDim 11 Jan - 13:07 par rene

» 2015
[b]In English[/b] I_icon_minitimeMer 31 Déc - 20:27 par rene

» Lily
[b]In English[/b] I_icon_minitimeMar 30 Déc - 19:36 par rene



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3 participants

    [b]In English[/b]


    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

    [b]In English[/b] Empty [b]In English[/b]

    Message par Frantz Dim 29 Oct - 11:18

    this topic is for everyone who wants to write and improve their english Very Happy
    you can talk about your travels, current news or else Wink

    let's go to launch a discussion or point of view : what is the most beautiful country you have visited ?
    to me, Scotland ! people were very kind and the landscapes were so wild, green... sunny but I've never saw Nessie !!! No

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par Invité Dim 29 Oct - 23:41

    very good idea zinc ...

    By the way , usually , in english we can only "launch" missile !!!!!! lol! lol! lol!

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Lun 30 Oct - 15:28

    lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!

    Nombre de messages : 1600
    Age : 52
    Localisation : Annet sur Marne
    Réputation : 7
    Points : 315
    Date d'inscription : 23/10/2006

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par brice Lun 30 Oct - 15:52

    My level in english will be a permanent missile launched to the english langage !!!!!

    Seriously, it's a very good idea Frantz !

    So the most beautiful visited country is for me The Maldives islands. On the beach or diving it was very very pleasant (?).

    Nombre de messages : 1600
    Age : 52
    Localisation : Annet sur Marne
    Réputation : 7
    Points : 315
    Date d'inscription : 23/10/2006

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par brice Lun 30 Oct - 15:53


    Les corrections sont les bienvenues ! (en français dans le texte .....)

    Nombre de messages : 750
    Age : 56
    Localisation : nogent sur marne
    Réputation : 0
    Points : 95
    Date d'inscription : 28/10/2006

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par tof Lun 30 Oct - 18:54

    essayez déjà de bien parler notre langue, ça sera déjà pas mal !!! (gros mec négatif Mad

    have a nice day!!!

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Lun 30 Oct - 20:44

    thanks Tof for your visit and nice to see you brice on this topic Wink

    Here's an information to improve your english (I'll try to post it every so often and thanks to JB to correct Smile You can also visit the website "englishclub.com" :


    Word Stress is golden key number one for speaking and
    understanding English. Word Stress is *very important*.
    You can try to learn about Word Stress. This is one of
    the *best* ways for you to understand spoken English -
    especially English spoken fast.

    What is Word Stress?

    Take 3 words: photograph, photographer and photographic,
    for example. Do they sound the same when spoken? No!
    They sound different, because *one* syllable in each
    word is "stressed" (stronger than the others).




    This happens in ALL words with 2 or more syllables:
    TEACHer, JaPAN, CHINa, aBOVE, converSAtion, INteresting,
    imPORtant, deMAND, etCETera, etCETera, etCETera

    The syllables that are not stressed are 'weak' or
    'small' or 'quiet'. Native speakers of English listen
    for the stressed syllables, not the weak syllables. If
    you use Word Stress in your speech, you will instantly
    and automatically improve your pronunciation and
    your comprehension.

    keep well

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par Invité Mar 31 Oct - 14:53

    Frantz , regarding your needs to join an english club , first I think it s gonna be hard to find (not sure but...) ... I think the best for you who seems to be really motivated would be to watch US movies only in original version (without subtitles) and also , to find a native english spoken person to get some conversationnal course ... because your writting seems to be more than ok but unfortunately the most important is the "speaking" . I have a feeling you could advertise that in a univeristy or something and find an american , english or irish (or else) student for really cheap , one hour a week and you´d be sorted ... sunny

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par Invité Mar 31 Oct - 14:54

    No mistakes Brice ...

    Nombre de messages : 1600
    Age : 52
    Localisation : Annet sur Marne
    Réputation : 7
    Points : 315
    Date d'inscription : 23/10/2006

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par brice Mar 31 Oct - 15:07

    Thanks Frantz.

    When i was student my english level was good. But since i started working i never speak. Words, grammary are difficult today.

    Instead of learning english at school i hope to increase my level with speaking with you.

    I'm a dreamer .....

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par Invité Mar 31 Oct - 15:28

    Zinc :

    I never speak

    I never spoke : si tu utilises le past simple tu ne peux sous aucuns pretextes passer au present simple !

    i hope to increase my level with speaking with you

    I hope to increase my english level with you , or at worst, i hope to increase my english level by speaking with you

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

    [b]In English[/b] Empty in english

    Message par Frantz Mer 1 Nov - 12:54

    yes, u're right JB. I download english audio books too Wink but write in english and do some exercises are a good training, especially for the tenses and vocabulary. I told Sophie that it will be a very good idea to take on a "scotish nurse" lol!

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par Invité Mer 1 Nov - 13:27

    or a blond american chick ... Very Happy

    but anyway u re dead right , your books and exercises plus oral conversation with a native person would be perfect for you .

    If you want when I ll have internet at home (soon hopefully) , with netmeeting or messenger and a microphone we could speak in english once a week for an hour.

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

    [b]In English[/b] Empty in english

    Message par Frantz Mer 1 Nov - 19:36

    yeah ! excellent idea zinc...I'm gonna buy a microphone as soon as possible Wink

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

    [b]In English[/b] Empty in english

    Message par Frantz Dim 5 Nov - 14:48

    what is your opinion about the new politic Barrack OBAMA in the USA ? He seems to be a real orator and gather a lot of Americans who believe in the american dreams. Most of them like the actor George Clooney wants him for President !!!

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par Invité Dim 5 Nov - 21:18

    i ve nerver heard about this dude before , i m gonna start my research right now .

    If clooney wants him for president it s obviously a good sign ... lol!

    the american dream ... lol ....does it still mean anything ????

    nowaday, i think it s more realistic to call it "american disaster" !!! Cool

    Don t wanna be an americaaaan idiot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Lun 6 Nov - 19:51

    for your information, the website : "http://obama.senate.gov"

    to me, the American Dream is too restrictive, you can also talk about French Dream if you want Laughing the most important thing is to have a Dream, isn't it ?

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par Invité Lun 6 Nov - 21:29

    BUT WHERE IS BRIAN? (voir Gad Elmaleh pour ceux qui connaissent pas !)lol!

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par Invité Mar 7 Nov - 3:01

    i think flo is the new gerard roucas ... the standard comedian dream !!! lol!

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

    [b]In English[/b] Empty in english

    Message par Frantz Mar 7 Nov - 23:58

    thanks Flo for your essential observation but certainly you wanted to talk about another topic jocolor (I have never seen a Gad ElMachin show... scratch and I don't want it !)

    so, let's talk about the new REAL DEAL ! Barak Obama senator for Illinois...

    Do you know that he wants to do more to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change ?

    Do you know that he wants to promote an affordable and accessible health-care ? such the "securité-sociale" in France !

    He is the man, the first black-man, that USA needs !

    [b]In English[/b] Empty Re: [b]In English[/b]

    Message par Invité Mer 8 Nov - 3:57

    very interesting , if only it could be true ... because when you have a look at the inside of the US politic system , you realise that more than others countries , the US president does what he s been told to , I mean , i don t know if you have ever heard about the well-known "complexe militaro-industriel" ?

    those people seems to have reached an certain extend of unhumanity , 11/9-afghanistan-iraq-iran-israel- , that they don t seem to be ready to let a black person from the left wing to take the power ...

    i hope i m wrong ... but when I see what they might have done for 9/11 (in their own countries!) , iraq , afghanistan , and what they re planning to do for iran ... only for business and financial purpose .... i m more than pessimistic ... even Roosevelt at the time , was warning us ... he was more or less saying that we have no ideas about who are those people , but they re here ,and they always want more and more money and power ... they re athe head of the millitary , multinational ,oil corporation, Roosevelt was the 1st one to name them "complexe militaro industriel" ...

    i think most of us forget that the USA is the only western countries of the modern times who has killed its own president (kennedy) ... it s well proved that the mafia was not directly involved but the vice president was... kennedy wanted to stop war in vietnam ... he paid it off his life ...

    war + money + power - informations and geostrategic knowledge given to people - maintain others countries in povrety = complexe militaro industriel

    ps : flo is down , we need back up here !!!! lol!

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Mer 8 Nov - 22:04

    completely agree with you man but my thought, as my nature, is optimistic Exclamation certainly it's naïve but we can not be always managed only by financial men affraid I hope that power-flower will come over there sunny (please Nicolas Hulot, please Yann Arthus-Bertrand...)

    Hey, if someone see Flo, tell him that he can come back there, he's welcome lol!

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

    [b]In English[/b] Empty in english

    Message par Frantz Jeu 9 Nov - 23:39

    You will find below some proverbs and their explanation :

    "You can't tell a book by its cover."

    We need to read a book to know if it's good or bad. We
    cannot know what it's like just by looking at the front or
    back cover. This proverb is applied to everything, not only


    "Where there's a will there's a way."

    If we have the determination (the will) to do something, we
    can always find the path or method to do it.


    "Don't cross your bridges before you come to them."

    Don't worry about problems before they arrive.


    "It was the last straw that broke the camel's back."

    There is a limit to everything. We can load the camel with
    lots of straw, but finally it will be too much and the
    camel's back will break. And it is only a single straw that
    breaks its back - the last straw. This can be applied to
    many things in life. People often say "That's the last
    straw!" when they will not accept any more of something.


    "Bad news travels fast."

    "Bad news" means news about "bad" things like accidents,
    death, illness etc. People tend to tell this type of news
    quickly. But "good news" (passing an exam, winning some
    money, getting a job etc) travels more slowly.


    "You can't take it with you when you die."

    When we die we leave everything on earth. We don't take
    anything with us. Even the richest people cannot take their
    money with them after death. This proverb reminds us that
    some material things are not really so valuable as we think.


    "Still waters run deep."

    Some rivers have rough surfaces with waves. That's usually
    because the water is shallow and there are rocks near the
    surface. But deep rivers have no rocks near the surface and
    the water is smooth and still. This proverb means that
    people who are calm and quiet on the outside, often have
    a strong, "deep" personality inside.

    Good reflection

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Ven 24 Nov - 21:43

    some informations about Northern Ireland :

    November 24, 2006 -- LONDON - Britain turned up the pressure on Northern Ireland's feuding political parties to press ahead with a plan for reviving self-rule yesterday, the day before a key deadline.

    The province's politicians must decide today whether or not to go forward with the blueprint, Prime Minister Tony Blair's spokesman said.

    "The choice is simple: Move forward, or dissolve [Northern Ireland's Stormont assembly]," Blair's spokesman said.

    The plan, put forward by Britain and Ireland at talks in St. Andrews, Scotland, last month, aims to break a deadlock between the pro-British Democratic Unionist Party and the pro-Irish Sinn Fein. They need to name the first and deputy first ministers in case self-rule resumes next year.

    Nombre de messages : 794
    Age : 51
    Réputation : 4
    Points : 47
    Date d'inscription : 29/10/2006

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    Message par Frantz Ven 24 Nov - 21:55

    and about Sarko :

    “Le Point” and “L’Express” break “taboos” for Nicolas Sarkozy.

    On February 13, 2006, in statements made for the radio RMC-Info minutes before the Delinquency National Observatory presented its report, the French Minister of Interior, Nicolas Sarkozy, referred to the establishment of a national archive for ethnic origin of delinquents. The statement made by the Minister implicitly legitimized the explanation about the behaviour contrary to the social rules through the ethnic origin of culprits, one of the theories in which “Zero Tolerance” doctrine is supported The Manhattan Institute, Neoconservatives’ Lab, implemented in New York by the Republican major Rudolph Giuliani, and which Sarkozy usually makes reference to.

    As it has happened many times in the past, every time Sarkozy makes spectacular announcements, there is a careful mediatic preparation of the ground in advance France: “The War on terror” makes its entrance into the presidential campaign in order to have a greater impact of his statements. In this regard, the Minister of Interior had made already a first rehearsal by referring, on January 24, 2006, to the “ very worrying phenomenon ” of “gangs made up by ethnic groups with an endemic violence” in a speech delivered on the occasion for New Year celebration of the Alliance police trade union. Later, his new radio speech was widely announced on the press in advance, thus attaching an exceptional character to something that was not mean to be other than a remark by this media Minister. The most interesting thing is that the controversy developed by Nicolas Sarkozy about the need to register ethnic origins of delinquents has been widely highlighted by the French weekly newspapers Le Point and L’Express, during the previous weeks to his speech.

    In its edition of January 2, 2006, Le Point published a number of reports especially about the wave of violence that shook certain popular neighbourhoods across France in November 2005 [«Banlieues - Ce que l’on n’ose pas dire»]. This weekly newspaper widely reflected the vision about ethnic riots or violent events related to the origin of those who carry them out, something recurring in this publication. The following week, L’Express also released a special number of articles about delinquency Ce qu’on n’ose pas dire sur la criminalité, a series mainly about delinquents’ ethnic origin L’origine des délinquants. Leaving completely aside the social dimension of delinquency, this weekly newspaper preferred to use statements made by non-identified cops to classify delinquents based on their ethnic origin and establish links among different kinds of crimes and ethnic origin of those who commit them. According to these articles, the black French are essentially violent whereas the French of Arab origins rather tend to form gangs and engage in drug trafficking. L’Express takes up racist stereotypes, unfortunately common in the French society, and has indicated that it is about a “taboo” which should be convenient to address. This expression was reiterated throughout the article and in the editorial that presented a special series of editorials about this issue. Therefore, the weekly welcomes the fact that Nicolas Sarkozy had broken such “taboo” in the name of “transparency”.

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